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Cenforce 100mg Tablet

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What is Cenforce 100mg? 

Cenforce 100mg tablet is an erection promoting medicine used in men to treat erectile dysfunction. It works to enhance the blood flow to the male  genital area by inhibiting PDE5 to increase the levels of cGMP. Cenforce 100mg contains Sildenafil Citrate as an active ingredient used commonly in the treatment of male erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil is classified under the group of phospodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. It is available in the form of oral tablets. Sometimes sildenafil is also available in intravenous and syrup forms. In 1998, the US FDA approved Sildenafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

What are The Uses of Cenforce 100mg?

Cenforce 100mg (Sildenafil Citrate) is used for the treatment of the following disorders:

  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

ED causes a man to be unable to develop or hold an erection long enough to have sexual intercourse. Having trouble keeping an erection going can happen sometimes. However, if the problem persists for a long time, it is important to consult a medical professional. This problem can occur because of decreased blood flow to the penis, damaged nerves, stress, or some underlying conditions. It causes psychological stress, a loss of confidence, and relationship issues. 

  • Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

This is a rare form of hypertension that can progressively worsen. The heart contains two upper and two lower chambers. The blood flows through the right half of the heart to the lungs via the pulmonary artery. The cells lining this artery may become altered, causing the artery to be clogged, stiff, and narrow. As a result, the blood flow to the lungs is disrupted. This condition can occur due to genetic issues, illegal drugs, idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension, congenital heart defects, or other predisposing conditions.

Apart from these, Cenforce 100mg is also used for the following off-label uses:

  • Raynod phenomenon
  • Female sexual arousal disorder
  • High-altitude pulmonary edema

What are The Dosage Guidelines for Cenforce 100mg Tablets?

Without a doctors / healthcare professional’s prescription, do not take this medication.

Discuss with them before making any dosage adjustments.

Dosage Guidelines for Cenforce 100mg
  • For treatment of erectile dysfunction
  • Adults under the age of 18 to 25 the recommended dosage is 25mg, for 25 to 30 age it is 50 mg, for 30 to 40 it can be 100mg & for 40 to 65 it can be 50mg to 200mg of sildenafil after taking the consultation from your doctor. 1 hour before sexual intercourse.
  • This drug must not be consumed more than once a day.
  • For treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension
  • 20 mg of sildenafil 3 times a day is recommended for adults.

How do I Take A Cenforce 100mg Tablet?

  • Read the patient information leaflet carefully before taking this drug
  • The pill can be swallowed with water or juice (except for grapefruit juice).
  • It is recommended to take this tablet on an empty stomach for a quick effect.

You can buy Cenforce 100mg tablets from at low price online with free shipping & free pills. provide Cenforce 100mg for sale with low price guarantee, free delivery, and with credit card / debit card, Zellepay & by more in the United states of America (USA) – New York, California, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Oregon & more; United Kingdom (UK) – London, Birmingham, Wales, Manchester & more; Europe (EU) – Moscow (Rassia), Paris (France), Spain & more; and Australia (AU) – Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane & more. So, buy Cenforce 100mg tablets near you when you are prescribed with this medication.

When Not to Take Cenforce 100mg Tablet?

There are certain health conditions or predisposing factors that contraindicate Cenforce 100mg. 

  • Pulmonary Vascular Occlusive Disease (PVOD)

Cenforce 100mg, like other blood vessel diluting medications, can worsen PVOD. Hence, people with a history of this disease must not consume this drug. If there are any signs of pulmonary edema, like chest pain, wheezing, or breathlessness, the person must immediately contact a medical representative.

  • Hepatic and renal impairments

Patients suffering from or with a history of severe liver or kidney complications must be careful before taking Cenforce 100mg. This is because the clearance of Sildenafil is not as efficient in such patients and can lead to toxicity.

  • Retinal impairment

Just like Cenforce 100mg acts on PDE5 enzyme, it also acts on PDE6. This enzyme is found in the retina and is important for converting light signals in the eye into electrical signals. In patients with pre-existing retinal problems, this drug may reduce sight or even cause permanent loss of vision.

  • Cardiac complications

Patients with a history of heart attacks, arrhythmias, or coronary heart disease must be especially careful before consuming Cenforce 100mg. A sudden cardiac death was reported in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions. However, it is not determined whether these deaths were a result of the drug, sexual activity, or cardiovascular conditions.

Missed Dosage Guidelines:

  • Cenforce 100mg tablet is taken as on needed basis.
  • Do not take two dosage in a same day.

Overdosage Guidelines:

The symptoms of Cenforce 200mg overdosage are:

  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Reduced hearing
  • Chest pain
  • Low blood pressure
  • Fainting 

Anyone experiencing such symptoms must immediately call the primary care provider for emergency services. Supportive care is recommended for the treatment of sildenafil overdose.

What are The Side Effects of Cenforce 100mg Tablets? 

Common side effects due to Cenforce 100mg:

  • Epistaxis (nosebleed)
  • Dizziness
  • Flushed face
  • Diarrhoa
  • Muscle pain
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Unusually warm skin

Rare side effects of Cenforce 100mg are given below. Immediately contact the doctor if an individual experiences any of these:

  • Heartburn
  • Pain on urination
  • Hypotension
  • Painful erection lasting more than 4 hours
  • Non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION), i.e., decreased vision.
  • Decreased or impaired hearing

How does The Cenforce 100mg Tablet Work?

Cenforce 100mg (Sildenafil Citrate) is a FDA approved medicine used for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction. It works to achieve an erection in men during intercourse by increasing the penile blood flow.

The main reason for ED is the decreased blood flow to the penis. The PDE5 enzyme attacks a substance called cyclic GMP, which is produced due to the action of the neurotransmitter nitric oxide (NO). This action is necessary to maintain an erection. If a person is suffering from  ED, this process is disrupted.

Sildenafil has a similar structure to that of cGMP, and hence, it binds to PDE5 in its place. This leaves cGMP free to carry out its normal function in the penis. As a result, the blood flow in the corpus cavernosum in the penis increases. Similarly, in pulmonary arterial hypertension, there is decreased blood flow to the lungs due to clogged arteries. The cGMP-PDE5 interaction is also present in the smooth muscle of the pulmonary artery. Sildenafil increases the concentration of cGMP in this artery, thus dilating the blood vessels. This phenomenon is called vasodilation, which increases the blood flow to the lungs.

Precautions & Warnings:

  • Before consuming Cenforce 100mg, consult a licensed healthcare provider.
  • If someone wishes to increase the dosage, they must discuss it with their doctor.
  • Inform them about any medical conditions or ongoing medications.
  • Do not hesitate to inform them about any history of drug addiction or alcohol abuse.
  • Keep the tablets out from the reach of children
  • People over 65 years old must start with a low dosage of Cenforce 100mg to decrease the risk of side effects.
  • Do not share this medication with other people.
  • Thoroughly read the medication manual before consuming this drug.
  • Inform your primary care physician about any adverse reactions that are suspected to be drug-related.


It is important to avoid the following drugs with Cenforce 100mg:

  • Nitrate drugs

Never use Cenforce 100mg with any nitrate drugs. These drugs can swiftly drop the blood pressure below unsafe levels. Examples of such drugs are chest pain medicines, nitroglycerin,  isosorbide mononitrate or dinitrate, and street drugs called “poppers.”

  • Alpha blockers

These medications are generally administered to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Just like Sildenafil, alpha blockers also reduce blood pressure. 

  • Other blood pressure-reducing medicines

Patients with high blood pressure are generally on anti hypertension medications. These medications reduce blood pressure, which should not be consumed with sildenafil. One of the most commonly used anti hypertension medicines is amlodipine.

  • Alcohol

Alcohol can worsen the side effects of sildenafil. Moreover, it can also worsen the ED and lower the blood pressure. A person may experience dizziness, flushing, palpitations, etc.

  • Antifungal medicines

Antifungals like ketoconazole and itraconazole, along with others, can worsen the side effects of sildenafil. In this case, the PCP might advise a dosage reduction.

  • Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit juice inhibits the metabolism of sildenafil. This increases the concentration of the drug in the blood, which further increases the risk of side effects.


1) What is Cenforce 100mg used for?

Ans: Cenforce 100mg is officially used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. It also has some off-label uses. However, this type of consumption must be discussed with the doctor.

2) How does Cenforce 100mg work?

Ans: This drug inhibits an enzyme called phospodiesterase type 5, which increases the blood flow to the penis. The same enzyme is present in the blood vessels of the lungs. Therefore, it also increases the blood flow to the lungs.

3) Can I take Cenforce 100mg without a prescription?

Ans: No, Cenforce 100mg, if consumed haphazardly, can lead to severe, sometimes fatal, consequences. Hence, one must only consume it as per the medical instructions.

4) Can I take 200mg of Cenforce 100mg?

Ans: The average recommended dosage of sildenafil is 50mg. The average person can tolerate up to 100mg of this drug once a day. Hence, taking 200mg of Cenforce 100mg can be dangerous.

5) Can pregnant women take Cenforce 100mg?

Ans: The use of this drug in pregnant women for pulmonary arterial hypertension is not well studied. Hence, pregnant women must discuss its usage with their doctor.


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