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Modawake 200mg Tablets | Generic Modafinil 200mg


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What is Modawake 200mg?

Modawake 200mg is used to promote wakefulness in people suffering from sleep disturbance (daytime sleepiness) due to narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea or shift work sleep disorder. Modawake 200mg is a nootropic contains Modafinil as an active element sold under the brand name Provigil 200mg in the United States of America (USA), United Kingdom (UK), Europe (EU) & Australia (AU). It is a generic variation of Modafinil 200mg. Modawake 200mg is prescribed when a patient has excessive daytime sleepiness due to narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea or shift work sleep disorder. It works to promote wakefulness by altering neurotransmitters in the brain, include dopamine, norepinephrine and histamine.

The pharmaceutical Modawake 200mg contains the active component modafinil, which is classified as a wakefulness-promoting agent. These neurotransmitters are crucial for controlling cycles of alertness and sleep disturbance. It acts on the brain’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and histamine neurotransmitters.

What are The Uses of Modawake 200mg (Modafinil) Tablets?

Modafinil is used to help people with narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome, or shift work sleep disorder to stay awake in a day. It works to promote wakefulness by exerting its effects to keep you awake for certain period of time.


Narcolepsy is a brain disease that causes patients to be too sleepy during the day, have sudden muscle weakness (cataplexy), and sometimes have sleep paralysis or dreams.  The selective passing away of the neurons, which produce orexin, leads to narcolepsy. Modawake 200 tablet is used in the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness caused by narcolepsy. It promotes wakefulness to keep you awake by reducing the tendency to fall asleep during the day, which helps in restoring the normal sleep cycle. It works by affecting certain neurotransmitters in the brain.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

It is also used to treat obstructive sleep apnea, a disease in which breathing stops and starts a lot during sleep because of a blockage in the upper airway, which causes patients to be too sleepy during the day.

Shift Work Sleep Disorder (SWSD)

For patients who work odd hours or during the night and have trouble staying awake at work and having trouble sleeping when they’re not working, Modawake 200mg may be recommended.

How do I Take Modawake 200mg Tablets?

Modawake 200mg is prescribed for adults who are too sleepy and need help staying awake & alert during the day. It promotes wakefulness in people with excessive daytime sleepiness caused by narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea or shift work sleep disorder. The pill should be taken in the early hours or as the physician suggests to the patient. Taking it at the beginning of the day keeps it from getting in the way of patients sleeping at night. Patients can take Modawake 200mg with or without food. Take the pill whole with a glass of water. The tablet is designed to work over a longer period of time, so do not chew, crush, or break it. If the patient is taking Modawake 200mg, don’t drink alcohol. It could make some side effects worse and stop the medicine from working properly.

You can buy Modawake 200mg tablets from at low price online with free delivery & free pills. We provide Modawake 200mg tablets for sale with low price guarantee + free shipping + secured payment methods by credit card / debit card, Zellepay & bitcoin. Take or buy Modawake 200 mg tablets in United states of America (USA), United Kingdom (UK), Europe (EU), Canada & Australia (AU) only when you are prescribed with this medication.

Missed Dosage Guidelines:

  • Take Modawake 200mg as soon as possible if the patient misses a dose.
  • In contrast, skip the missed dosage and go back to the usual dosing plan if it’s almost time for the next scheduled dose.
  • To avoid overdosing and experiencing negative effects, avoid double the dosage to make up for a missed one.

Overdosage Guidelines:

  • Overdose symptoms may occur if Modawake 200mg is used more than the recommended dosage.
  • Agitation, disorientation, hallucinations, a fast pulse, and difficulty falling asleep are some of the signs of an overdose.
  • If patients have overdosed, get medical help right away or call a poison control number.
  • Keep Modawake 200mg pills out of children’s reach and take the medication exactly as the physician instructed to lower the risk of an unintentional overdose.

How does The Modawake 200mg Tablet Work?

Modawake 200mg (Modafinil) reduces extreme daytime sleepiness in patients with narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea & shift work sleep disorder. It works to promote wakefulness to stay awake. Although the precise mode of action of modafinil is not entirely known, it is thought to engage several different brain neurotransmitter systems.


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, inspiration, and reward pathways. Modafinil enhances the concentration of this neurotransmitter. Modafinil increases dopamine levels, which encourage alertness and wakefulness.


The effects of modafinil on the release and absorption of norepinephrine, another neurotransmitter involved in arousal, attention, and vigilance, are also noticeable. Modafinil maintains alertness and cognitive function by adjusting norepinephrine levels.


The neurotransmitter histamine is released in response to modafinil stimulation, and it plays a role in encouraging alertness and controlling the sleep-wake cycle. One of the ways that modafinil causes alertness is through increased histamine activity.


Modafinil has the potential to affect glutamate release and activity, an excitatory neurotransmitter involved in memory, learning, and cognitive function. Modafinil has the potential to improve alertness and cognitive function by adjusting glutamate transmission.

What are The Side Effects of Modawake 200mg Tablets?

  • Headache: Some patients may get headaches that are mild to moderate in intensity.
  • Nausea: Some patients may feel sick or have an upset stomach when they take Modawake 200mg.
  • Nervousness: After taking Modawake 200mg, some patients may feel more worried or tense than normal.
  • Having trouble sleeping: Since Modawake 200mg makes the patient more awake, taking it too late in the day can make it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep.
  • Dizziness: Some patients may feel dizzy or lightheaded, especially when they stand up quickly.
  • Dry mouth: Some patients who use Modawake 200mg may feel their mouths getting dry.
  • Digestive problems: Some patients may have problems with their digestive system, like diarrhoea or constipation.
  • Fast heart rate: For some patients, Modawake 200mg can make their heart rate and blood pressure go up.
  • Mood changes: Modawake 200mg may sometimes cause mood dips or changes in mood.

Precautions & Warnings:


If patients are allergic to Modafinil or another medicine, they should tell their physician. Modawake 200mg pills might have inactive components that can make the patient allergic or cause other issues.

Health problems

Tell the doctor about any health problems they have, especially if they’ve had heart problems, hypertension, mental health problems (like worry or sadness), kidney or liver disease, or a history of drug abuse.

Being pregnant and breastfeeding

Talk to the physician before taking Modawake 200mg if the patient is pregnant, wants to get pregnant, or is nursing. It’s not clear how Modafinil affects the growth of a foetus, so it shouldn’t be used during pregnancy unless it’s needed.


Modawake 200mg might not work well with some other drugs, like prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and plant products. Tell a medical professional about all the medicines and vitamins they are taking right now so that they can avoid any possible problems.


Place Modawake 200mg pills somewhere cool and dry, away from heat and moisture. Keep pets and kids away from them.


CYP3A4 Inducers and Inhibitors

The liver’s CYP3A4 enzyme is primarily responsible for breaking down modafinil. Modafinil levels in the blood may change if patients take drugs that either increase or decrease CYP3A4 function. Ketoconazole (an inhibitor) and rifampin (an inducer) are two examples.


As it speeds up metabolism, modafinil may make warfarin less effective as a blood thinner. If Modafinil is taken with warfarin, it is important to keep a close eye on the amount of the international normalised ratio (INR).

Drugs that block monoamine oxidase (MAOIs)

If patients take Modafinil and MAOIs at the same time, the chance of a hypertension crisis or serotonin disorder may go up. Do not take Modafinil with MAOIs or sooner than stopping MAOIs.


Taking Modafinil with drinking may raise the risk of central nervous system sadness, which can make it harder to think and move. Try not to drink alcohol while taking Modafinil.

Drugs that stop seizures

Some seizure drugs, like phenytoin, phenobarbital, and carbamazepine, may not work as well in the blood when the patient takes modafinil. Anticonvulsant levels may need to be closely watched, and the dose may need to be changed.


Q. What is the use of Modawake 200mg?

Modafinil, which is also known as Modawake, is mostly used to treat sleep problems like narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. It helps patients wake up and makes them more alert when they are too sleepy during the day.

Q. How does Modawake 200mg work?

It’s not completely clear how Modawake 200mg works, but it’s thought to make patients more awake by interacting with chemicals in the brain, like dopamine and norepinephrine. It also changes the way some parts of the brain work that are involved in the sleep-wake cycle.

Q. Is Modawake 200mg a drug that wakes patients up?

Modawake is similar to some stimulant drugs in some ways, but it is not a drug that stimulates in the usual sense. It works in a different way than drugs like amphetamines and is usually less likely to be abused or become dependent.

Q. What is the duration of Modawake 200mg?

Modawake 200mg effects can last for different amounts of time in different patients, but on average, they last 12 to 15 hours. It is generally taken once a day in the morning to keep patients awake during the day and not get in the way of their sleep at night.

Q. Is Modawake 200mg hard to stop using?

Addiction and dependence are less likely to happen with Modawake 200mg than with some other sleep problems. However, it can still become a habit if it is abused or taken in larger amounts than recommended. It is important to follow the directions given when taking Modawake 200mg.

Q. What is the price of Modawake 200mg?

The drug’s price depends on your choices: vendor selection, quantity, and many more. In addition, if you buy in an offer, you are all getting relatively lower prices.

Q. Can you develop an addiction to Modawake 200 mg?

The chances of modafinil product addiction are very low, but it is only possible if you follow up on the prescribed amount for the suggested duration period.



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