HomeShopDAPOXETINEPoxetPoxet 90mg Tablet

Poxet 90mg Tablet

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What is Poxet 90mg?

Poxet 90mg tablet is used to treat men who ejaculate too early due to premature ejaculation. It contains Dapoxetine, which is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that is meant to make you ejaculate less and give you more control over when you ejaculate. People may have premature ejaculation, which means they can’t control their ejaculation and have an orgasm before they want to. It might make men unhappy in their sexual relationships because of this.

Poxet 90mg is used for adults in the treatment of premature ejaculation. It works by raising the amount of serotonin in the brain. This slows down the process of ejaculation, giving the person more time to do it. Poxet 90 mg contains Dapoxetine as an active ingredient. One to three hours after taking it orally, sexual activity usually follows. One shouldn’t use it more than once a day. The patient should consult a doctor before taking Poxet 90mg to make sure it is safe and right for them if they have several health condition or allergy. It might not work for everyone, and it might have side effects or not work well with other medicines.

What are The Uses of Poxet 90mg Tablets?

Poxet 90mg (Dapoxetine) tablet is used for adults (18-64 age) to treat premature ejaculation. It works to sustain / increase the time of ejaculation during intercourse. The uses of Poxet 90mg include

  • Treatment of Premature Ejaculation

Poxet 90 mg is usually administered to men who have premature ejaculation (PE), a medical condition characterized by ejaculation that happens without consent, either before or shortly after sexual contact.

  • Postponing ejaculation

Serotonin levels rise in the brain because of the chemical. This changes the ejaculatory response and gives men more control over when they ejaculate during sexual activity. This helps to hold off ejaculation.

  • Getting more sexual satisfaction

Poxet 90mg works by delaying ejaculation. This lets both people have more enjoyable sexual experiences that last longer and are less painful and frustrating.

  • Make your relationships better

Getting rid of premature ejaculation can help improve personal relationships by lowering sexual dissatisfaction, boosting conversation, and encouraging closeness. 

What are The Dosage Guidelines for Poxet 90mg Tablets?

For Poxet 90mg pills, here are the recommended dosage, how to take the tablets, what to do if a dose is missed, and how to avoid consuming too much of it:

  • One to three hours before engaging in sexual activity, take one Poxet 90 mg tablet by mouth as needed.
  • Usually, patients take one pill every day after 24 hours, but it is taken as on needed basis before intercourse. 
  • With or without food, one can take Poxet 90 mg pills. They should be taken whole in a glass of water.

How do I Take A Poxet 90mg Tablet?

  • Take one Poxet 90mg pill by mouth with a glass of water one to three hours before planning to have sex.
  • Do not chew, crush, or break the pill; you should eat it whole.
  • Poxet 90 mg shouldn’t be taken with alcohol or grapefruit juice because they could make side effects worse.

Missed Dosage:

  • Since Poxet 90mg is only taken when needed, there is no set time when you should not take it.
  • If a user doesn’t plan to be sexual, he doesn’t need to use Poxet 90 mg.


  • To avoid taking too much, Poxet 90mg should be taken exactly as recommended.
  • Taking more Poxet 90 mg than what is recommended can increase the chance of side effects like feeling sick, getting headaches, becoming dizzy, or passing out.
  • In the event of an accidental overdose or dangerous symptoms, medical intervention is necessary.

How does The Poxet 90mg Tablet Work?

Poxet 90mg (Dapoxetine) tablet is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor used to treat premature ejaculation in adults. It works to control over the ejaculation & increases the ejaculation time. Here are the steps mentioned for how Poxet 90mg works:

  • Medicinal Composition

One of the ingredients in the Poxet 90 mg tablet is dapoxetine hydrochloride, which is a strong and specific SERT inhibitor.

  • Maintaining Neurotransmitter Balance

Dapoxetine stops the release of serotonin (5-HT) in the brain and spinal cord synapse clefts. The amount of serotonin outside of cells goes up.

  • Mechanism in the Middle

When there is a lot of serotonin in the body, neurons in the spinal cord and the dorsal raphe nucleus change how they work. These neurons control ejaculation. This stops the reflex curves that make you ejaculate from happening.

  • Changes in the Ejaculatory Reflex

How does the ejaculatory reflex work?

Serotonin’s long-lasting impact on synapses slows down the ejaculatory reflex. This extends the time between ejaculations and gives you more power over when you come while you’re sexually active. 

What are The Side Effects of Poxet 90mg Tablets?

Common side effects 

  • Epistaxis (nosebleed)
  • Dizziness
  • Flushed-face
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle pain,
  • Insomnia
  • Unusually warm skin

Warnings and Precautions:

  • Talk to a licensed medical professional before taking Poxet 90mg.
  • If someone wants to take more, they need to talk to their doctor about it.
  • Tell them about any health problems or drugs you are taking.
  • Do not be afraid to tell them if you have ever been addicted to drugs or drinks.
  • Kids shouldn’t be able to get to the computers.
  • For safety reasons, people over 65 years old should start with a small amount of Poxet 90 mg. 
  • Do not give this medicine to anyone else.
  • Before taking this medicine, read the directions very carefully.
  • Tell your primary care physician about any side effects you believe the medication might be causing.

When Not to Take Poxet 90mg Tablet?

There are certain health conditions or predisposing factors that contraindicate Poxet 90mg.

  • Pulmonary Vascular Occlusive Disease (PVOD)

Poxet 90 mg, like other blood vessel diluting medications, can worsen PVOD. Hence, people with a history of this disease must not consume this drug. If there are any signs of pulmonary edema, like chest pain, wheezing, or breathlessness, the person must immediately contact a medical representative.

  • Hepatic and renal impairments

Patients suffering from or with a history of severe liver or kidney complications must be careful before taking Poxet 90mg.

  • Retinal impairment

Just like Poxet 90 mg acts on the PDE5 enzyme, it also acts on PDE6. This enzyme is found in the retina and is important for converting light signals in the eye into electrical signals. In patients with pre-existing retinal problems, this drug may reduce sight or even cause permanent loss of vision.

  • Cardiac complications

Patients with a history of heart attacks, arrhythmias, or coronary heart disease must be especially careful before consuming these drugs. A sudden cardiac death was reported in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions. However, it is not determined whether these deaths were a result of the drug, sexual activity, or cardiovascular conditions.


There is a chance that other drugs will not work well with Poxet 90mg pills. Before taking these drugs, think about these issues and talk to your medical practitioner. A few interactions are as follows: 

  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

Taking Poxet 90 mg  with MAOIs can make you more likely to get serotonin syndrome, a serious illness that can cause dizziness, hallucinations, a fast heart rate, and a high body temperature.

  • Both SNRIs and SSRIs

Taking Poxet 90 mg with SNRIs or SSRIs may raise serotonin levels and raise the chance of serotonin syndrome.

  • Tricyclic mood-lifters

If you take these pills with tricyclic antidepressants, you might get serotonin syndrome or other signs in your central nervous system.

  • Some drugs used to treat schizophrenia

Some antipsychotics may combine with Poxet 90mg, making you sleepy, dizzy, or showing other signs of a problem with your central nervous system.

  • Nitrates and Donors of Nitric Oxide

When taken with nitrates or nitric oxide donors, Poxet 90 mg pills may lower blood pressure and make syncope worse.

  • Other Medicines

Medicines for high blood pressure, blood clotting, platelet problems, and antibiotics may not work well with these pills. Talk to your doctor about all of your medications to make sure they don’t mix with each other. 


  1. In what way should I take Poxet 90mg tablets?

Ans: Take pills by mouth with a full glass of water, with or without food. People are told to take one 90 mg tablet one to three hours before they plan to have sexual intercourse.

  1. Are women able to take these tablets?

Ans: Men should be the only ones who take Poxet 90 mg pills. Women and children shouldn’t use these drugs.

  1. Are there any medicines that might not work well with tablets?

Ans: Yes. It might not work well with some medicines. Some of these are tricyclic antidepressants, some psychiatric drugs, nitrates, and nitric oxide donors.

  1. Just how long does it take for Poxet 90mg pills to work?

Ans: Most of the time, pills start to work one to two hours after being taken. If you want the tablet to work best, take it one to three hours before you plan to be active.

  1. If I have diabetes, can I still take Poxet 90mg tablets?

Ans: This is usually safe for people with diabetes to take, but you should talk to your PCP before you do.

  1. Can Poxet 90mg pills be used to stop pregnancy?

Ans: These are not meant to be used as a way to avoid getting sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) or to not have children. They are especially made to help men who come too early.

  1. Can you take tablets with other herbal products or natural medicines?

Ans: Talk to a doctor before taking Poxet 90mg tablets with other herbal products or alternative medicines, as they might not work well together or cause side effects.


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